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Hazing is often defined as an action taken or any situation created that causes humiliation, harassment or abuse, and risks emotional and/or physical harm to members of a group or team, especially those that are incoming or new, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate. Epsilon Sigma Rho, as a result, takes hazing very seriously, and has policies in place that are meant to protect our prospective members during their intake process. Below you will find an outline of our anti-hazing policy. If after reading you have any questions, feel free to contact us HERE.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT Epsilon Sigma Rho Multicultural Fraternity, Inc. fully endorses the “Resolution Against Hazing” as developed by the National Interfraternity Conference, Inc.


FURTHER, that all members/chapters endorse this resolution, found below, with full accountability for its provisions, and that of all current pledging guidelines; 


BE IT RESOLVED THAT the National Governing Board hereby unequivocally repeats its historic repudiation of any pre- initiation or initiation practices antithetical to the laws and underlying principles for which each member fraternity stands; 


FURTHER, that this body expects each fraternity to take appropriate action to implement the intent of this resolution; 


FURTHER, that the National Governing Board not only records its continuing disapproval of hazing in the strongest possible terms, but declares its intention to monitor closely the incidents of this activity through the establishment of a special or ad hoc committee for such purpose.*



*To curtail hazing abuse, all prospective members shall be notified of the University’s hazing hotline before attempting to become a member of Epsilon Sigma Rho. Additionally, Epsilon Sigma Rho has adopted a mandatory, three strikes policy for individual members who are prosecuted. The first violation, whether off campus or on campus, automatically will result in appropriate parent/guardian notification and further hazing education. A second violation will also automatically carry parent/guardian notification and judicial review which may result in sanctions. A third violation will result in automatic chapter suspension by the National Governing Board for a minimum of one semester.


Epsilon Sigma Rho Multicultural Fraternity, Inc. follows FIPG RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY.

To learn more, please visit

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